Answers to the most common questions from the community
Which exchanges currently list SIBYL?
All up to date listing information can be found at CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.
What other exchanges will SIBYL be listed on?
Due to the current nature of exchange news and listings, we can only announce developments when confirmed by our exchange partners.
To stay up to date on any project updates, turn on Telegram/Twitter notifications, as well as Medium reminders, to keep up with the latest Sibyl Network news.
What is the token supply?
Max Supply: 1,000,000,000 SIBYL
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 SIBYL
What are SIBYL Credits?
The network introduced SIBYL Credits as an easy, creator friendly way to purchase delivering power on the network using PayPal and Stripe.
These Credits are non-exchangeable and only usable on the network. Sibyl Network uses tokens purchased on the open market to support the SIBYL Credit system. As new payment options are created we will release information on the Sibyl Network Medium channel.
How is Sibyl Network involved in the creation of NFTs?
Any NFT you see today on any platform at some point had to be Delivered, and artists can either choose to do that locally, which takes forever, or use Sibyl Network, which takes a fraction of the time. As we are slowly discovering, a lot of NFT artists chose to use Sibyl Network!
Sibyl Network is poised as a core part of the NFT creation process, and looking to expand that role even further with the implementation of NFT archives.
Last updated